Following a game challenge played by three teams on Friday night, where two housemates, Mike and Ike were part of the losing team, an eviction...
Not known for his criticism of government or its policies, Ghanaian music star, Sarkodie, seems to be shifting that reputation. The rapper, arguably Ghana’s most successful...
Fans of Michael Jackson in France have sued two alleged child abuse victims of Michael Jackson in a French court over claims they made in the...
Dragged into the fray once more in the wake of the recent rape allegations against Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo of the Commonwealth of Zion Assembly (COZA) by...
Two days ago, it was comedian, AY, that celebrated his daughter, Michele, upon the girl’s completion of primary school. This time around, the celebration is about...
Nigerian music star, Timi Dakolo, has countered reports that his wife is suffering from trauma in the aftermath of revealing rape allegations against Commonwealth of Zion...
If her open celebration of being granted American citizenship two years ago unsettled anyone, Laide Bakare doesn’t seem to care. The Nollywood actress went even further...
Apparently showing support to his fellow musician, Naira Marley in the controversy surrounding the “Soapy” song, Zlatan Ibile shared a number of videos of himself giving...
As promised, Nollywood actress, Tonto Dikeh, walked the talk on Friday, joining a protest held at a court in Abuja to demand life imprisonment for an...
Fresh from winning the award for Best International Act at the recently-held BET Awards, Burna Boy hosted an exclusive party to celebrate his 28th birthday at...