A schoolboy named Karan Singh, who measures a whopping 8ft 2in, is believed to be the world’s tallest fifteen-year-old at – twice the size of many of his classmates.
Karan Singh, from Meerut in India, has been a record breaker all his life, entering the Guinness Book of Records as both the heaviest and tallest baby at birth. Now his Dad, Sanjay, 45, hopes his son’s great height will be recognized again.
“When Karan was born, he weighed 7.8 kg and was over 63 cm long. So that got him into the record books instantly.
“Then, when he was five, he got the record for being the tallest toddler. He is eight now, and I want to get him into the Guinness Records again,” said Sanjay, whose son is already his height.
Karan Singh is not the tallest in his family and seems to owe his extraordinary height to mum Shweatlana, 37, named India’s tallest woman with a towering height of 7ft 2in.
Despite towering above his classmates, Karan manages to do everything his smaller friends do.
He said: “After finishing my homework, I play with my friends and then I play basketball with my mother; she started teaching me when I was five years old, and I want to play basketball like her, but I also like science a lot.”
Shweatlana said: “When Karan was born, he didn’t fit into regular baby clothes. So we had to get clothes for a six-month-old baby for him.
“At the age of three, clothes for a 10-year-old would fit him. Now, his shoe size is already 12, and sometimes we don’t get that in the markets and have to get them made.”
Mum and son have the same shoe size and often wear each other’s, and Karan Singh’s clothes are often specially made for him.
Shweatlana said. “My clothes have to be stitched especially. I don’t even find bangles or sandals in my size. So now we get Karan’s clothes tailor-made as well.”
Far from being embarrassed by his height Karan has said he would like to keep growing.
He said: “I like that I am tall, and my mom is tall. But I want to be taller than my mom and make my parents proud.
“But if I have to choose between becoming a doctor and a basketball player, I will definitely choose basketball.”
And proud mum Sweatlana insists that she and her son’s stature is nature’s gift.
She said: “As they say, a tiger’s son grows up to become a tiger. Karan is also the son of a tigress. So he will grow up to be a tiger.”
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