Kano state police have rescued a 32-year-old man identified as Ahmad Aliyu, who was locked up by his father and stepmother for seven years in Farawa Babban Layi, Mariri Quarters in Kumbotso Local Government Area of Kano State.
Ekohotblog reported that Ahmad Aliyu had emaciated in size after spending some days drinking his urine due to lack of food and water.
A source disclosed that Ahmad’s parents had imprisoned him after they suspected that he had started smoking and taking drugs.
READ ALSO: Epileptic Boy Chained For Two Years By His Family, Rescued In Kebbi
Apparently, they may have considered locking him up was the only way to stop the addiction.
A lady named Rahama, who lives in Farawa Babban Layi Mariri Quarters, alerted the police in Farawa and Human Rights Network, who came to rescue him.
Although, when the police and the human rights group arrived, the stepmother insisted that Ahmad was not at home.
The team, however, restrained the woman from stopping them as they search for the victim around the house.
The police thereafter arrested the man and his wife and took away their victim.
However, at the time of filing this report, the Farawa police command is yet to release any official statement on the news.
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