Here are some of the countries where prostitution is legal.
Prostitution is legal in Finland, but selling and purchasing sex in public is illegal, as well as purchasing or pimping a trafficked victim.
Street work is banned but clients are all accessible through the Internet and personal ads. In addition to decreasing street-workers, cyberspace has also contributed to a growing number of foreign sex workers operating in Finland through ads and massage parlours.
Prostitution is completely legal in Costa Rica. In fact, it’s a common profession. The problems are with the activities surrounding prostitution. Pimping is illegal, prostitution rings are illegal, and there is also a huge problem with child prostitution and human trafficking.
Costa Rica is, unfortunately, a common transit and destination point for women and children who are being trafficked for sexual exploitation purposes.
Prostitution has been legal in New Zealand since 2003. There are even licensed brothels operating under public health and employment laws, which means the workers get social benefits just like other employees.
Prostitution is completely legal in Austria. Prostitutes are required to register, undergo periodic health examinations, be 19 years old or older and pay taxes.
Except for male prostitution, everything else is legal.
Bangladesh has a severe minor trafficking problem, which is perpetuated by corruption. Pimping and owning a brothel is also legal.
In Denmark, prostitution was decriminalized in 1999, partly because authorities wanted to keep watch over the industry.
Apparently, they felt it would be easier if it were happening out in the open as it’s always easier to police a legal trade than an illegal one.
Third-party activities such as coercion, procuring, trafficking, and the solicitation of minors, however, remain illegal.
Canada has no law against the exchange of sex for money; it’s pimping or owning a brothel that is the problem. It is legal to be a sex worker, but illegal to purchase sexual services.
It’s also illegal to publicly market your wares as a prostitute.
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