Afro beats star, Seun Kuti opens up on the distressing encounter in police jail cell. Following an aggravated assault on a police office, the Grammy award...
Femi Falana creates stir in court as he prevents the police from filing fresh charges on Afrobeat star, Seun Kuti. The case had been adjourned on...
Seun Kuti did no wrong slapping a police officer, sister Motunrayo Kuti defends as social media divided. Standing in defence of Seun, Motunrayo alleges there is...
Seun Kuti crowned general overseer in prison cell by inmates. This comes courtesy of a report on the prison the afro beats musician was detained in...
The Nigeria police have released a statement on Seun Kuti and his case with the police. According to the Force, they emphasize the need for a...
Afrobeat musician Seun Kuti has been granted bail by the Chief Magistrate Court in Yaba, Lagos. This is in response to the entertainer surrendering himself to...