Former UFC title contender Colby Covington has levelled accusations of cheating against Nigerian mixed martial artist Kamaru Usman, reigniting tensions from their past encounters as he...
Dabiri-Erewa Hails UFC Champion Kamaru for Retaining Welterweight Title Kamaru Usman defeated Colby Covington by unanimous decision to retain the UFC welterweight championship at UFC 268...
Nigeria’s Kamaru Usman has retained his welterweight title The UFC fighter defeated Colby Covington by unanimous decision Ekohotblog reports that Nigeria’s Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) star...
Kamaru Usman’s victory might have been a thing of joy and celebration for him, his family and fans but not everybody is happy about it. Specifically,...
Kamaru Usman, the UFC champion, has declared himself the world’s best fighter following his brutal victory over Jorge Masvidal. (1) On Sunday at UFC 261 in Florida, the fighter knocked out Jorge Masvidal...
The fight took place in the early hours of Sunday 14th February, It had a lot of Nigerians awake to watch. This is Usman 18th UFC...