Nollywood star Osas Ighodaro has revealed an upcoming movie collaboration with Grammy-award-winning artist, Burna Boy, titled “3 Cold Dishes”, the film is set to drop in the...
The longstanding tension between Nollywood stars Azubuike Michael Egwu, popularly known as Zubby Michael, and actress Angela Okorie aka Legit Queen, has officially come to an...
Eko Hot Blog reports that the federal government has banned the display of money ritual scenes and the glamorizing of vices in Nollywood movies. This was...
The federal government and the film censors board have reiterated their commitment to halt the trend of money ritual content in the Nigerian movie industry. The...
EKO HOT BLOG These Nollywood films might be old, but they’re definitely gold. As we witnessed a boom in the Nigerian movie industry, the 90s can be...