The Nigerian comedy industry is undergoing a seismic shift as traditional stand-up comedy, once a staple of entertainment, faces a decline in relevance due to the...
Top Entertainment Stories Today Tiwa Savage, Sabinus, Burna Boy And More Eko Hot Blog reports all the details: Tiwa Savage and Olamide: Tiwa Savage recently revealed that...
Lawyer Seeks Recognition as Celebrity Determined to Meet Davido and Sabinus Promises to “Make Everyone Proud” with New-Found Status Eko Hot Blog reports that, in a...
Sabinus criticizes declining personal hygiene standards. Government urged to prioritize hygiene over money spraying. Social media users echo concerns about unpleasant odors. Eko hot blog reports...
Nigerian comedian ‘Sabinus’ reveals reasons he chose not to promote nude contents on his comedy skits. The content creator has a distinct style to his comedy...
The Sabinus character is one Chukwuemeka Ejekwu is most known for, due to his penchant for getting into trouble. Naturally, it got Nigerian music icon, 2Face,...
Sabinus acquired a new Mercedes-Benz a few weeks after a car crash. EKO HOT BLOG reports that the Nigerian skit maker, Emmanuel Chukwuemeka Ejekwu, popularly known...
Sabinus Crashes New Car, Escapes Death In Ghastly Accident EKO HOT BLOG reports that Nigerian skit maker, Emmanuel Chukwuemeka Ejekwu, popularly known as Oga Sabinus, has survived...