The job market is increasingly challenging, with many people losing their jobs daily and joining the swelling ranks of job seekers. Some men, particularly those with...
Buchi, a renowned singer, revealed his tale of survival during an interview on Channels Television’s Morning Brief program. Facing imminent execution, Buchi prayed fervently for deliverance,...
Human rights activist and LP supporter, SarkiB, has survived a ghastly car accident on his way to Nasarawa State after attending a court hearing. He narrowly...
Lung cancer is one of the deadliest forms of cancer that is very common among smokers. Though a non-smoker might also suffer from lung cancer,...
Mr Macaroni has stated that Nigerians should discard the ‘survival mentality. EKO HOT BLOG reports that the popular Nigerian comedian, Debo Adedayo, aka Mr Macaroni, has...