As the global fight against COVID-19 continues, the emergence of new variants poses ongoing challenges. The latest strain, XEC, has raised international concerns due to its...
Tinubu hosted GAVI, a vaccine alliance, at the State House. The meeting witnessed the Nigerian president committing to ensure that Nigeria fulfills its outstanding obligations for...
Eko Hot Blog reports that the Lagos State Government is set to commence vaccination of young girls aged between 9 and 14 years in the state...
Eko Hot Blog reports that the Lagos State Ministry of Agriculture has enhanced the surveillance of abattoirs and slaughter slabs in the state in order to...
The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has confirmed that the Bank Verification Number (BVN) issued in collaboration with Nigeria Inter-Bank Settlement System does not expire....
Lagos has announced the dates for the state’s oral polio immunisation exercise. Eko Hot Blog reports that the Lagos State Government will commence a statewide novel...
China has appproved the world’s first inhalable COVID-19 vaccine EKO HOT BLOG reports that Chinese drug regulators have approved the world’s first inhalable Covid-19 vaccine,...
UK Becomes First Country To Approve Dual-Strain COVID-19 Jab EKO HOT BLOG reports that the UK has become the first country to approve a dual...
Ogun Takes Delivery Of Another Brand Of Covid-19 Vaccine The brand is a single dose vaccine and would be available in all the 20 Local Government...
Astrazeneca Vaccine Now Available In All Sites Ogun State Primary Health Care Development Board says the AstraZeneca brand of COVID-19 vaccine is now available in all...