Despite many people’s preference for 100% bee-produced honey, fake and impure honey has become popular on the market today. Unfortunately, you may not be able to trust “pure honey” labels unless you reside in a village or where pure honey is produced.
No single home test is successful due to the great range of honey and a large number of sugar syrups or other additives that unscrupulous manufacturers dilute it with.
If you want to get the most out of honey, its purity is something you should think about before purchasing. We will look at simple techniques for an average day-to-day customer to swiftly detect if the honey he or she is buying is fake or pure in this post based on Mayoclinic facts and results.
1. Using a matchstick
Dip a matchbox in the honey then light it up. If it lights up, the honey is pure. If it doesn’t light up, that means it has additives like water which prevents the matchstick from lighting up. Instead of a matchstick, you can also fold a small piece of tissue, dip it in some honey (pour a little bit first into a small bowl) then light it using a lighter. If it is pure, then the piece of tissue will catch fire.
2. The Water Test
This is a test using water to spot impure honey. Simply fill a glass of water and add a teaspoon of honey into the glass. Adulterated or impure it will easily dissolve in water and you will see it around the glass. On the other hand, original honey will settle right at the bottom of the glass.
3. The Thumb test
Apply a small amount of honey on your thumb, check if it is spilling like any other liquid, if it does then your honey is not authentic. The original is supposed to be thick and it doesn’t drip.
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