The incident occurred on Tuesday night when an overzealous fan jumped on stage and tried to grab him. Burna Boy, who suffers from Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), explained in an Instagram story on Wednesday that such incidents, especially being startled during performances, trigger his condition.
He clarified, “It was a free show. I was supposed to perform for 10 minutes but did almost an hour. Everybody knows my rule about being startled on stage. I had an amazing time with Lagos, but don’t jump on my stage like that! I got PTSD. I love you all. Happy New Year.”
In related news, Burna Boy made a cryptic post following the release of his colleague Speed Darlington from police detention.
The pair’s feud began after Darlington linked Burna Boy to embattled American rapper Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs, who is facing serious charges. Burna Boy later expressed indifference to critics, saying they’re lucky he has much to lose, or else things would be different.
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