Actress, Iyabo Ojo Reportedly Revisits Feud With Colleague, Fathia Balogun

  • Iyabo Ojo and Fathia Balogun fell apart after Fathia reportedly leaked how Iyabo Ojo almost lost her life over surgery.

Just a few days after Nollywood stars Toyin Abraham and Lizzy Anjorin made headlines over their long-time beef, Iyabo and Fathia Balogun may seem to take another turn of social media drama,  EKO HOT BLOG  gathered.

A series of chats shared by an Instagram blogger identified as xoxoconer alleged that Iyabo Ojo has been poking Fathia for a while, and Fathia has kept mute.

According to the blogger, Fathia’ s silence angered Iyabo Ojo, prompting her to report to Esabod, who has now over escalated the matter, and Fathia may want to respond to the issue.

The chat further disclosed that Iyabo Ojo had lied to Esabod about Fathia, saying she attacked her spiritually and peddled rumor about her having an infection due to her surgery.

Recall that Iyabo Ojo and Fathia Balogun fell apart after Fathia reportedly leaked how Iyabo Ojo almost lost her life over surgery.

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As a result, actress Iyabo Ojo called out Fathia Williams on her 51st birthday and tagged her as a witch. Some months later, many thought that the actresses were back together after Fathia posted a condolence message on Instagram when Iyabo Ojo lost her mum.

Fans hailed Fathia’ s move and hoped for a neutral ground to end all transgressions will be made until she deleted the condolence post after Iyabo Ojo failed to acknowledge the condolence message.

Nollywood actress Fathia Balogun’s former husband and father of her two kids, Saidi Balogun, has described actress Iyabo Ojo as a very ‘ loyal and helpful’ sister.

EKO HOT BLOG learned that Iyabo Ojo has been of tremendous assistance to Saidi Balogun since they met in the movie industry.

On the spat between Fathia and Iyabo which went viral on social media last week, Saidi, whose crashed union with Fathia produced two children, humorously prayed that peace should reign.

The friendship between Fathia and Iyabo suffered a strain after their trip to Turkey where some fans of the actresses organized birthday parties for Fathia.


chat shared by xoxoconer

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