ASUP Decries Appointment Of Rectors For Six Newly Established Polytechnics

The striking Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP) has faulted the Federal Government over the appointment of rectors and principal officers for the six newly established polytechnics in the country.

The union has also demanded an immediate nullification of the appointment of the Rectors by the Federal government.

ASUP in a statement issued on Sunday and signed by its President, Anderson Ezeibe said the appointment of the rectors violates provisions of the Federal Polytechnics (Amendment) Act, 2019, as captured in Section 8, 2(a).

The 6 new Federal Polytechnics according to the statement are Federal Polytechnics Ohodo (Enugu), Ugep (Cross River), Shendam (Plateau), Monguno (Borno), and Wannune (Benue).

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ASUP said a rundown of the profiles of the beneficiaries shows that 5 out of the 6 persons do not fit into the requirements of the law for the appointment of Rectors in Federal Polytechnics in the country.

“It is regrettable that the government, through officials of the Federal Ministry of Education has become principal violators of the laws governing the operations of Nigerian Polytechnics.

“This latest assault is despite the contents of a recent ruling of the National Industrial Court in Abuja where the provisions of the Federal Polytechnics (Amendment) Act, 2019 was affirmed by the court and the Federal Ministry of Education and her officials undertaking to observe the provisions in totality,” the statement partly read.

Citing the judgment of a court in NICN/ABJ/12/2020 involving ASUP and the Attorney General of the Federation, Minister for Education, and 5 others in a similar issue, the union said it had drawn the attention of the Federal Ministry of Education on the need to adhere to the provisions of the law in the appointment process more than 1 month before the announcement of the appointment.

The polytechnic lecturers also threatened to escalate their current industrial action as a result of the action of the federal government.


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