The Senate is scheduled to commence the screening of seven ministerial nominees announced by President Bola Tinubu on Tuesday. This follows President Tinubu’s earlier request to...
The Nigerian Senate is set to begin screening seven individuals nominated by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for ministerial positions next Tuesday. EO HOT BLOG reports that...
The Senate has announced that the Federal Government is expected to submit the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) and Fiscal Strategy Paper (FSP) once President Bola...
A recent report by Nigeria’s leading parliamentary monitoring organization, OrderPaper, revealed that 164 lawmakers in the 10th National Assembly, including 15 Senators and 149 House of...
The National Assembly has delayed sending the minimum wage bill to President Bola Tinubu, now expected by Monday, due to pending money bills. EKO HOT BLOG reports...
Rivers Assembly passes local government Amendment Bill into law. Lawmakers proceed without the governor’s assent, defying court order on tenure elongation. Confirmation of Assembly Service Commission...
EKO HOT BLOG reports that Senator Shehu Sani has disclosed the potential consequences facing Bauchi Central Senator, Abdul Ningi following his three-month suspension by the Senate. This...
EKO HOT BLOG reports Daniel Bwala a spokesperson of the Atiku Abubakar presidential campaign during the 2023 presidential election has reacted to a viral video...