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5 Wrong Attitudes That Can Ruin Your Business




Just like every other aspect of man’s endeavour and engagement, running a business requires patients, commitment, diligence, creativity, and equally the right mindset.

In the same vein, certain qualities can be detrimental to the growth and success of any business or career when not stopped early enough.


In this article on EKO HOT BLOG, we would be looking at wrong attitudes that can ruin your business or job.

1. Showing lackadaisical attitudes to work or being lazy.

Being lazy to work and creative innovation and possessing a lackadaisical attitude to things are factors that can hinder the growth of any business or job. For instance, being lazy to make the necessary research that is needed to improve your service or showing negligence to creative techniques that will facilitate the growth of your business will amount to stagnancy and eventually collapse.

2. Ignoring customers’ complaints and reviews.

There will be times your customers might make complaints about your goods or service, and when that time comes, it then becomes rational to listen to their complaints and strive to increase their satisfaction. The idea of ignoring your customer’s negative reviews and equally doing nothing to improve your product or service might lead to little or no patronage from them. Customer satisfaction is the key element of every business’s success, and to keep getting their patronage; you need to make them happy with your goods or service.

3. Increasing your price above the market standard to make an excessive profit.

The idea of increasing your product or service far above the regulated market standard is one attitude that can prompt the resentment of most customers and might cause them to stop patronizing you. To encourage more patronage of your service or goods, your pricing should be considerate and must correspond with the generally accepted market price.

4. Being rude to customers.

One of the attitudes that can kill any business faster is arrogance and pride. When your customers perceive you are being rude to them, probably in your speech, gesture, or manner of approach, they might stop patronizing your service. Possessing moral uprightness, humility and a good sense of customer service are important elements that are essential for the growth of any business or career.

5. Procrastination.

Procrastinating important business ideas or strategies that can be utilized in your business to yield a positive increase can ruin its growth.


Business ideas and plans are best effective when they are put to work, but projecting what should be done today into the future might amount to slow growth and be a waste of time.

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