Rukayat Gawat-Oyefeso, the renowned Islamic singer, has been laid to rest following her passing on Tuesday after a brief illness. In accordance with Islamic customs, her...
The police in Abia State, southeast Nigeria, are investigating an incident where it was reported that some police operatives mistakenly exchanged gunfire, believing each other to...
Adebayo Salami, renowned Nollywood actor, commemorates his 72nd birthday Colleagues, family, and fans shower heartfelt tributes on the occasion Son Femi Adebayo honors his father with...
Bolanle Ninalowo celebrates his 44th birthday Celebrities flood social media with heartfelt wishes Display of love and admiration from fans and colleagues Eko hot blog reports...
Hon. Ado Wakili, the lawmaker representing Burra Constituency of Bauchi State, has died after battling an undisclosed illness. He passed away just three days before the...
15-year-old student has shot three of his colleagues to death and injured others. EKO HOT BLOG reports that a 15-year-old sophomore student has killed at least...