In a post which titled “On DCP Tunji Disu BBC Lied,” she questioned why a reputable medium like the BBC would disseminate such misinformation without verifying...
Indigenes of Iloko-Ijesa land, who spoke with Eko Hot Blog during the historic coronation described the day as the breaking of a long awaited dawn. On...
A man has gone viral on social media after a clip surfaced online showing the unidentified man, ostensibly of East-African origin, scaling the gate to a...
By_ Otunba TJ Abass & Ronny Ikpoto “There are a lot of wonderful people in this audience tonight, so everyone here is a VIP” – Dr...
Pastor Dare reportedly died in his sleep on Thursday. His death has continued to elicit reactions across the country. He was said to have been very...
“If you are here and you cannot pay something for you Pastor’s celebration, why are you here? You are a devil,” she said. A pastor’s wife...
As we do on a weekly basis, EKO HOT BLOG is about to review the performances of some Super Eagles players in abroad who did well for...
Lagos state government has expressed willingness to offer accommodation and other safety assistance to Mary Daniel. The future certainly looks auspicious for Mary Daniel, an amputee...
The entertainers were ostensibly employed as brand influencers to promote the image of the platform. Nigerians have continued to call out Ace entertainers, Davido and Nancy...
It is worthy to note that this young man’s burial had over a dozen of Catholic priests and roughly about 1500 persons in attendance. Indeed he...