Another notorious bandit leader, Gajere, also known as Mai’Yar Gitta, has died from gunshot wounds. Gitta was injured during a recent clash between his group and...
In a tragic incident in Evwreni Community, Delta State, a man named Samson, who killed his son, murdered a nursing mother, and injured others under mysterious...
The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has denied allegations of accepting a bribe to drop money laundering charges against Idris Okuneye, popularly known as Bobrisky....
The lawyer representing Nigerian crossdresser, Idris Okuneye, popularly known as Bobrisky, has provided an explanation for his client’s absence before the House of Representatives. Bobrisky was...
Martins Vincent Otse, popularly known as VeryDarkMan, expressed his frustration over the absence of Idris Okuneye, also known as Bobrisky, at the ongoing investigation by the...
A fire broke out at the Kwara State High Court Complex in Ilorin on Sunday night, damaging part of Courtroom No. 10. The blaze ignited around...
Social media influencer Martins Otse, widely known as VeryDarkMan, has announced his arrival at the National Assembly complex. EKO HOT BLOG reports that the House of...
The House of Representatives has prohibited journalists from covering its investigative hearing regarding the ₦15 million corruption allegations involving crossdresser Idris Okuneye, also known as Bobrisky....
President Bola Tinubu has officially sworn in Justice Kudirat Kekere-Ekun as the new Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN). The ceremony took place on Monday at the...
The Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Police Command has assured Abuja residents of a secure and peaceful Independence Day celebration on October 1. In a statement issued...