6 Precautions You Should Take To Maintain Good Eye Health While Using Your Phone

You need to find ways to look after your eyes if your job requires you to spend the entire day in front of a computer. The same is true when you stare at your phone, especially for an extended amount of time.
According to studies, the extended use of a phone or computer screen can cause eyestrain, dry eyes, hazy vision, headaches, and pain in the shoulders, neck, and back.
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In this article on EKO HOT BLOG, we would be looking at some precautions you should take to maintain good eye health while you are using your phone.
1. Make sure your eyeglass or contact lens prescription is up to date and good for using a computer.
When staring at any blue-ray screen, using the prescribed medical eyewear can significantly protect your eyes.
2. Consult a qualified eye doctor for guidance on the best glasses to use.
Talk to your physician about getting glasses for your laptop or computer if the eye strain persists.
3. Set the screen so that the top of your eyes and the top of the display is at the same height.
This provides you with plenty of space to look down at the screen with a more level perspective without having to strain your eyes or put undue strain on your neck.
4. Try to use bright lights for environmental illumination.
This will make using a computer or phone less taxing on your eyes. The idea of lighting up your room will assist in reducing the impact on your eyes and the effects of blue ray light.
5. Choose a chair that supports you while also allowing your back to relax.
Your feet should be able to flatly touch the ground when you are seated in your chair. Using a chair that fits your body size will help you feel less worn out when using a computer.
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6. Give your eyes a break for 20 minutes from the computer.
No matter how critical the project you’re working on may be, it is always advisable to take a break from your computer. Getting used to this routine will ease the tension in the nerves that link your eyes and brain, as well as lessen the damaging effects of blue light on your eyes.
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